24 hours x NYC x NikonD610 x 50mm 1.4

Jasen is on a design trip for meetings with a few clients to work on accessories collections. While in NYC, we decided to make it a challege to see what we could capture in a day's time, all in black and white. From landing at La Guardia at 5pm to a departure the next day for Philly at 1pm, the goal was to see how we could portray a day in NYC.

I hit the ground running with my pals, Dustin, Logan and Miki. Along the way we found a couple books that we hope to reference in the future to help us have new ideas about street photography, black and white imagery, and capturing a sensual mood with our cameras at a local second-hand shop. The find was "next-level" as these books are highly sought after by collectors. Then we headed toward our favorite store in the city, my home-away-from-home as i referred to it on the phone to Allison.

The evening route took us around the area around our favorite book store Dashwood , after shopping a few new titles with our pals from ITC , and main man Logan. From there, we walked down to dinner at SakaMai. After dinner we met with pals on bowery for a dessert treat and whiskey at our favorite restaurant in Manhattan, Bohemian. A late-night cab took me back to my hotel room to pass out.

The next morning i headed to my meeting on foot and via subway, dropped a copy of "borderless space" ( our forth project at Elsewhere known by us as #elsewhere004 ) at Dashwood Books on Bond Street to support Chris Brunkhart , then hopped in a rental car to head to meet with Urban Outfitters to finish the design trip.

I think we'll have to make this a regular challenge when we hit a new destination. It was super fun and helped place my feet firmly on the ground in NYC for my 20 hours in the city ( even with the level of sake, whiskey and beer in my body the evening of arrival).